OPENSEA for Energy

August 31, 2023

Success Stories

Surveying Offshore Resources

Demand for subsea robotics in both near and offshore energy continues to grow. Greensea IQs line of Bayonet AUGVs have the potential to fill important roles in both the pre-construction survey and post-installation inspection and monitoring of offshore assets.

Greensea IQ’s Bayonet AUGVs are the only available autonomous vehicles that is able to work from the sea floor to the beachhead providing a autonomous solution able to operate in the surf zone where other systems cannot.

The system can be deployed from land or sea and has an operational depth of up to 100 meters in standard configuration the bayonet AUGV can be fitted with a variety of environmental, oceanographic, hydrographic, benthic, and wind energy industry-specific sensors thanks to the power of the OPENSEA operating system.

More from Greensea

Near Shore RTK Survey

October 1, 2024 | Bayonet

Real-time kinematic (RTK) surveying has long been a cornerstone in high-precision positioning applications, especially in challenging coastal environments. RTK survey allows for centimeter-level accuracy by correcting signals from GNSS satellites in real-time, making it essential for coastal mapping, where accurate data is critical for navigation, engineering, and environmental studies. Recent advancements in the Bayonet Autonomous […]

Powering and Fuel Consumption Impact of EverClean Service on Two ...

May 14, 2024 | White Paper

Contents1 Introduction2 EverClean Service3 Vessels4 Fouling Assessment5 Powering Analysis6 Cleaning Impact7 Conclusion8 References9 Download Introduction Shipping accounts for 3% of greenhouse gas emissions. The International Maritime Organization has adopted measures that aim to reduce the carbon intensity of international shipping by 40% by 2030 (IMO 2022). One of the most critical factors in improving shipping […]

OPENSEA for Manufacturers

August 31, 2023 | Success Stories

A System Designed for Advancement The open architecture of OPENSEA allows easy and cost-effective integration of new vehicles, equipment, and devices. Its distributed and library-based architecture confines new software to small, easily managed, independent applications that are separate from mature, robust software. Together, these features enable manufacturers more rapidly develop and deploy commercial-grade robotic systems […]