OPENSEA Provides Capability
Open Software Equipment Architecture, or OPENSEA®, is an open architecture framework used to create the next generation of marine vehicles. OPENSEA is the platform that drives all Greensea IQ vehicles, including the robots used in our EverClean service and on Bayonet AUGVs. OPENSEA is also the platform of choice for marine EOD robotics, diver navigation, and a variety of scientific vehicles. OPENSEA is the technology that runs every vehicle shown on this website.
The OPENSEA platform has been made available to militaries around the world as part of our core capabilities for EOD and SOF, as well as to scientific developers. Other developers should contact to learn more about opportunities to develop on OPENSEA.
Advantages of Open Architecture
Open architecture, in a broad sense, is like having a flexible and inclusive blueprint for building something. In the context of subsea robotics, having an open architecture means that different components or programs can work together seamlessly—like pieces of a puzzle fitting together—no matter where they come from. With OPENSEA at its core, developers can easily add new features, plug-ins, or improvements without causing conflicts. This openness promotes innovation and encourages a diverse range of contributions, which is evident from the variety of uses for Greensea IQ’s technology—from hull cleaning and deep water ROVs to machine learning and long-range command and control.
Open architecture provides several advantages as a platform for a marine vehicle/system. An open architecture system is:
Adaptable – Software can be adapted to meet the requirements of different systems.
Modular – The smaller applications can be removed or added to the system.
Portable – Software may be transferred between systems.
Scalable – Software may be made larger or smaller according to need.
Interoperable – Software allows effective data sharing with other systems.
Gallery of vehicles built on OPENSEA